Friday, May 23, 2008
The World Is More Than The USA

I find it funny how some Americans and I'm sure people from other countries too sometimes live in a bubble.
What I mean is, not all people realize that there is more to the world than the US Mainland. During flight attendant training we had to learn to be sensitive to other cultures. I always thought I was pretty sensitive to the Japanese and my eye contact to be polite, but I didn't realize there were so many things I could do that could be interpreted as rude!
Did you know:
In the USA & the UK the thumbs up sign means OK, good job, everything is great?
Well, in Greece, Australia, Nigeria and some other countries it means "Up Yours!"
In the US the OK sign with your hands means everything is cool, it's OK.
In Nigeria, you are calling someone an A hole. Ooops! I won't do that one on the plane.
In Italy, to show something is sweet they put their pointer finger in their cheek and and turn. When I first saw that one I was like "Gelato gives you dimples?"
In Saudi Arabia do not show the sole of your shoe or the bottom of your foot for it is very offensive.
In the US, men make cat calls by whistling. In Mexico you'll hear psst psst.
While working a flight to India, don't touch the passenger's left hand. The left hand is used to wipe and the right hand is used for food. Of course not all Indian people don't use toilet paper, but you never know so...
There were a bunch of Flight Attendants sitting around the back galley of the plane to Mumbai, and someone says, "It smells like feces back here". She kept saying it and everyone agreed. She looked at her uniform, and it turned out the little old lady she helped out of the lavatory held onto her sweater with her left hand leaving behind feces! Yeah, so don't take any chances.
In Japan, Hawaii (and in my house too) do not walk on the carpet with your shoes, it is considered very rude! Not to mention how dirty it is. You walk in public restrooms, the street, and who knows where else and then you walk on the carpet with those shoes ewwww.
I'm sure there are many more, but that's all I can think of for now.
What I mean is, not all people realize that there is more to the world than the US Mainland. During flight attendant training we had to learn to be sensitive to other cultures. I always thought I was pretty sensitive to the Japanese and my eye contact to be polite, but I didn't realize there were so many things I could do that could be interpreted as rude!
Did you know:
In the USA & the UK the thumbs up sign means OK, good job, everything is great?
Well, in Greece, Australia, Nigeria and some other countries it means "Up Yours!"
In the US the OK sign with your hands means everything is cool, it's OK.
In Nigeria, you are calling someone an A hole. Ooops! I won't do that one on the plane.
In Italy, to show something is sweet they put their pointer finger in their cheek and and turn. When I first saw that one I was like "Gelato gives you dimples?"
In Saudi Arabia do not show the sole of your shoe or the bottom of your foot for it is very offensive.
In the US, men make cat calls by whistling. In Mexico you'll hear psst psst.
While working a flight to India, don't touch the passenger's left hand. The left hand is used to wipe and the right hand is used for food. Of course not all Indian people don't use toilet paper, but you never know so...
There were a bunch of Flight Attendants sitting around the back galley of the plane to Mumbai, and someone says, "It smells like feces back here". She kept saying it and everyone agreed. She looked at her uniform, and it turned out the little old lady she helped out of the lavatory held onto her sweater with her left hand leaving behind feces! Yeah, so don't take any chances.
In Japan, Hawaii (and in my house too) do not walk on the carpet with your shoes, it is considered very rude! Not to mention how dirty it is. You walk in public restrooms, the street, and who knows where else and then you walk on the carpet with those shoes ewwww.
I'm sure there are many more, but that's all I can think of for now.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Seven year old steals his Grandmother's SUV

He just wanted to do hood rat stuff with his friend.
"I picked up my friend, and he was smokin' wit cigarettes."
His parents must be proud...
"I picked up my friend, and he was smokin' wit cigarettes."
His parents must be proud...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Pug Kisses

This blog has no real focus anymore, it's just kind of random, but there probably aren't any readers anyway so I will just continue to post my random things...
This is a video of Pugsly, he is so funny. I ask him to blow me a kiss, then he grunts "Mom" then he tries to kiss. If you listen closely, you can hear him say Mom, then you will see him so excited attempting to blow kisses.
My favorite part is when he turns his head and says "no!"
I taught him to do it that way because I don't like to be licked by a dog no matter how cute he is.
This is a video of Pugsly, he is so funny. I ask him to blow me a kiss, then he grunts "Mom" then he tries to kiss. If you listen closely, you can hear him say Mom, then you will see him so excited attempting to blow kisses.
My favorite part is when he turns his head and says "no!"
I taught him to do it that way because I don't like to be licked by a dog no matter how cute he is.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Kids Need To Sleep in Their Own Beds!

I don't understand that whole kids sleeping over at friend's houses garbage. I never allow my child to sleep anywhere but at home, unless it is a family member and that is even rare. I guess if there was a birthday party, I would would maybe let her stay overnight, but I don't know.
Why can't kids sleep in their own bed and see their friends the next day? I mean think about it, do you really know the parents of the other children? People may seem one way, but be another. If that other parent is allowing your child to drink would your child tell you? I was watching a commercial yesterday that says one in six boys is molested. That's huge!
Don't even get me started about the parents that allow boys to stay at girls houses, or girls stay at the boys houses! That is so sickening. Why do some parents want their kids doing adult things? They are kids, let them enjoy their innocence. I don't care what anyone says, I want to know where my child is at all times.
Hopefully parents carefully screen the daycare center where they send their kids, and there are multiple people present so it is more likely they would be aware of any wrong doing. But what happens when your child stays at a friend's house behind closed doors? Are you sure you know? What harm can be done by having your child sleep in their own bed at night? None. What harm can be done by allowing your child to sleep at a friend's house? Who knows? I always say better safe than sorry.
Why can't kids sleep in their own bed and see their friends the next day? I mean think about it, do you really know the parents of the other children? People may seem one way, but be another. If that other parent is allowing your child to drink would your child tell you? I was watching a commercial yesterday that says one in six boys is molested. That's huge!
Don't even get me started about the parents that allow boys to stay at girls houses, or girls stay at the boys houses! That is so sickening. Why do some parents want their kids doing adult things? They are kids, let them enjoy their innocence. I don't care what anyone says, I want to know where my child is at all times.
Hopefully parents carefully screen the daycare center where they send their kids, and there are multiple people present so it is more likely they would be aware of any wrong doing. But what happens when your child stays at a friend's house behind closed doors? Are you sure you know? What harm can be done by having your child sleep in their own bed at night? None. What harm can be done by allowing your child to sleep at a friend's house? Who knows? I always say better safe than sorry.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Happy Anniversary Baby!

I haven't been blogging on my personal blogs for awhile. It's kind of a private time in my life. I'm in the last phase of my pregnancy, mostly on bed rest, and trying to dictate to my husband Fredi what needs to be done to be ready for baby.
He is such a good sport, he wants things as perfect as I do but on Sunday I got carried away. Sunday was the six year anniversary of our first date. We were going to go out on a date to celebrate, but I am not allowed to go up and down stairs so we figured with all the work that needs to be done at home, we should do that instead. We meaning Fredi. I am only allowed to watch. Some friends of ours invited us out to dinner this past weekend, but we turned that down too because this baby will be here soon! So much to do, so little time to do it in especially when only one person can do all the work.
I had the bright idea that I wanted to turn the attic into my walk in closet, we would rearrange our room to accomodate the baby, and clean and organize everything perfectly. I have always wanted a closet like Kimora Lee Simmons' closet.
Fredi moved all the furniture, by himself up the stairs and around the room, he cleaned the floors until they sparkled. My cedar closet was difficult for Fredi to get up the attic stairs to my new walk in closet. I suggested Fredi take off the legs to the closet. What a great idea, that should work. It didn't. Next, I suggested he take the door off the hinges, happily Fredi obliged. Well, the closet got all scratched up and didn't fit through the doorway. I was so disapointed.
We had most of our things all over our previously perfectly cleaned and organized master bathroom, strewn everywhere. Our bedroom furniture was all rearannged, and the room seemed smaller than it did before we took out two major pieces of furniture! As we stood in the bathroom and took stock of our actions furniture, clothes, closet legs on the floor, a door lying on it's side, so much clutter that we couldn't barely walk. I looked around and said, "Well, that was a total waste of our limited time. Good thing we didn't go out to dinner. Happy Anniversary Baby!"
With that, we both started laughing, Fredi fell on the floor because his stomach started to cramp from all the laughter. I laughed so hard that contractions started. We knew it was too soon for me to go into labor, and the more I laughed the baby was dropping down lower and lower, I was contracting harder and harder. We couldn't stop, we were both crying laughing, and finally Fredi manages to stand up and starts helping me with my breathing, we are still laughing and realize the only way this would stop was if we separated. I left the room and it took an hour to settle down and not laugh anymore. We always make each other laugh, but this was ridiculous! As I tried to settle down, Fredi put the room back in the original configureation, he put the door back on the hinges, and fluffed up my pillows to put me back to bed. The contractions stopped thankfully. We agreed that hey, at least there wasn't a speck of dust in sight, not even under the bed or behind the dressers. We also agreed not to talk about it to each other again until after the baby is born, because it's still too funny.
Now I know why couples say, "We're pregnant". That is so true. Fredi has honestly worked harder than I have at being pregnant. He has shouldered all the responsibility, and taken perfect care of me without one single complaint. I bet the baby looks exactly like him, and that would be well deserved for all of his hard work. Plus Fredi is really hot, and that would be great for baby.
He is such a good sport, he wants things as perfect as I do but on Sunday I got carried away. Sunday was the six year anniversary of our first date. We were going to go out on a date to celebrate, but I am not allowed to go up and down stairs so we figured with all the work that needs to be done at home, we should do that instead. We meaning Fredi. I am only allowed to watch. Some friends of ours invited us out to dinner this past weekend, but we turned that down too because this baby will be here soon! So much to do, so little time to do it in especially when only one person can do all the work.
I had the bright idea that I wanted to turn the attic into my walk in closet, we would rearrange our room to accomodate the baby, and clean and organize everything perfectly. I have always wanted a closet like Kimora Lee Simmons' closet.
Fredi moved all the furniture, by himself up the stairs and around the room, he cleaned the floors until they sparkled. My cedar closet was difficult for Fredi to get up the attic stairs to my new walk in closet. I suggested Fredi take off the legs to the closet. What a great idea, that should work. It didn't. Next, I suggested he take the door off the hinges, happily Fredi obliged. Well, the closet got all scratched up and didn't fit through the doorway. I was so disapointed.
We had most of our things all over our previously perfectly cleaned and organized master bathroom, strewn everywhere. Our bedroom furniture was all rearannged, and the room seemed smaller than it did before we took out two major pieces of furniture! As we stood in the bathroom and took stock of our actions furniture, clothes, closet legs on the floor, a door lying on it's side, so much clutter that we couldn't barely walk. I looked around and said, "Well, that was a total waste of our limited time. Good thing we didn't go out to dinner. Happy Anniversary Baby!"
With that, we both started laughing, Fredi fell on the floor because his stomach started to cramp from all the laughter. I laughed so hard that contractions started. We knew it was too soon for me to go into labor, and the more I laughed the baby was dropping down lower and lower, I was contracting harder and harder. We couldn't stop, we were both crying laughing, and finally Fredi manages to stand up and starts helping me with my breathing, we are still laughing and realize the only way this would stop was if we separated. I left the room and it took an hour to settle down and not laugh anymore. We always make each other laugh, but this was ridiculous! As I tried to settle down, Fredi put the room back in the original configureation, he put the door back on the hinges, and fluffed up my pillows to put me back to bed. The contractions stopped thankfully. We agreed that hey, at least there wasn't a speck of dust in sight, not even under the bed or behind the dressers. We also agreed not to talk about it to each other again until after the baby is born, because it's still too funny.
Now I know why couples say, "We're pregnant". That is so true. Fredi has honestly worked harder than I have at being pregnant. He has shouldered all the responsibility, and taken perfect care of me without one single complaint. I bet the baby looks exactly like him, and that would be well deserved for all of his hard work. Plus Fredi is really hot, and that would be great for baby.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
The Cory Worthington Interview

I don't mean to laugh, but I can't help it! "Nah, Nah, My glasses are famous." They are now.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Feral Children Fact or Fiction...

When I thought of feral children in the past, I just thought of my sisters kids. No, I'm joking! I love my nieces so much, even though they can be a bit wild.
I thought The Jungle Book was just a myth. Now I realize, the story could have some truth to it after reading an article in The Daily Mail about a wolf boy. He escaped from the hospital in Russia after attacking some of the staff. As you can see from the picture, his toenails grew into claws and they also said his teeth were very sharp. They believe he was raised by a pack of wolves. He did not understand when they tried to speak to him. They said he "seemed about ten, but tests showed he could be much older".
I started digging around for more information on feral children and came across THIS site. The stories are sad, sickening, and incredibly thought provoking. Children raised by dogs, wolves, monkeys, even goats. Check it out at if you dare.
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I wear my embarrassing moments on my sleeve. Thanks for stopping by!
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Making The World A Better PlaceOne nice word, and one smile at a time. - Deanna