Monday, January 09, 2006

Victoria Beckham Is Soooo Posh

I have been on a diet, one of my New Years Resolutions of course. For Inspiration, I look to Victoria Beckham. She was always beautiful, even as a Spice Girl.

Now, she really looks like a million bucks even when dressed completely casual. Maybe it has something to do with her millions of bucks.

Lots of people trash her, and all I can say to that is Haters!

I'm not one to blow compliments up celebrities butts, but she always looks impeccable, and I was wondering how one human being could be so perfect.

Now I know, Victoria is said to spend $5000 a week on hair extensions, and $500 on a hair cut. I can only imagine the price tag on the rest of her beauty regime. (source)

Posh was quoted as never having read a book in her life, so the minute she dictates a book, I'll be the first one in line to buy it.

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