Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Blogging my Christmas

Well,Christmas was bittersweet. It started out to be the best Christmas ever. The whole family home and together.

I decided to blog my Christmas so I would always remember it. The good and the bad preserved on my blog forever.

Fredi and I decided we wouldn't be doing presents this year for each other because I am not working. I am off until June 2009, I am due to have our baby June 3, and then I will be taking a year to stay home with the baby after that.

Fredi went and tricked me and bought me a gorgeous Sony SLR camera. Exactly what I was wanting but better. He is the best husband ever! I felt bad I didn't have a gift for him though.

Then, we were getting ready to leave for my Aunties house for Christmas dinner and I accidently flushed my diamond "D" pendant down the toilet! It was one of the first gifts Fredi ever bought me. I heard a "ting" and thought "What on Earth was that?" Then as I pushed down the handle, I saw it in the bottom of the toilet and just like that it was gone. Fredi tried to dig around for it with a hanger but it was gone. I am so sad about it. It was all diamonds, and I was always afraid to wear it for fear of losing it. I only wore it on special occasions.

We got to my Aunties house an hour late, and then played Rock Band for hours. That game is so much fun. Me and my two cousins formed a band and went on tour. I played guitar, and sometimes did vocals. I am awful on the drums. Fredi jumped in sometimes and played drums. Haley just laughed at us and wouldn't play. We rocked it out for hours. As you can see from my picture, I am kind of wrecked from playing pregnant rock star.

All in all it was a great Christmas with the family together. I didn't have to work, Haley was with us the entire day, and we only had to drive five minutes to my Aunties house.

I just wish I didn't flush my pendant...


Unknown said...


Your site is one of my favorites seen around blog explosion. Keep up the good work.
I enjoy reading your blog. It is great to find someone who can find the fun things in life!

I wish you all the best in all years.

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With Regards,

Karoly Domonyi

Deanna said...

Wow thank you Karoly.

I am glad you enjoy the blog, I wish you the best as well. I will be checking out your blogs!


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