Saturday, December 10, 2005

Hawaii Vs. Pennsylvania

I don't talk about Hawaii too much. It makes me homesick. Today I was listening to Mele Kalikimaka, and now I cannot stop thinking about my Island home.

In Hawaii, I managed an Internet Cafe & Online Tour Company. It was great, my job was to sell tours and work the Internet Cafe. I was online constantly.

In order to sell tours, I had to go on them all to try them out first. The pay was junk, but the perks were to die for.

I had to go to all the islands on luau's, snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking, parasailing, and many other activities.

I have to go get a tissue now to dry my eyes.

I met my fiance in Hawaii. The Company I was working for, is based in a Hotel Lobby. Fredi was on the crew that came in to do the Hotel Remodelations.

People always say that he must really love me to have moved to Pennsylvania from Hawaii. He was excited about moving to PA at first, he saw snow for the first time. The excitement dwindled after only a few days.

The biggest difference between Pennsylvania and Hawaii is how fast time flies here. Whoosh! Just like that.

In Hawaii, people relax and enjoy themselves. Well, not the chronic's, but that is another story.

Chronics - crystal Meth Addicts. Probably one quarter of the population of Oahu.

As soon as you get off the plane you can feel the difference. In Hawaii, you get off the plane, you feel the Aloha and the positive energy. In Pennsylvania, you get either a slap of humidity in the face or a slap of cold air depending on the time of year. Whoosh! You immediately need to pick up the pace.

On the drive home from the airport in Hawaii, someone will surely give you a Shaka (Hang Loose) sign.

On the drive home from the airport in Pennsylvania, someone will surely give you the finger.

When I am surfing, I start to really feel the rhythm of the ocean. My theory is, water is magnetic, you start to roll like the waves. Relaxation is in those waves. The ocean is your morning ritual.

In Pennsylvania, my morning ritual consists of reading my Bible, and drinking hot tea to try and prepare myself for the busy day ahead.

One day I will move back to Hawaii. Until then, I may not love the place where I am, but I am surrounded by people that I love.

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